Warp Drive Privacy Policy Last updated: 1-Sep-2022 This Privacy Policy will guide you on what information Supergonk, as the game developer, will collect, store and use. This privacy policy only applies to games downloaded or purchased via the Xbox platform. Data Collected: Warp Drive collects gameplay save data and stores it on your local device, and also on Xbox services for game saves and achievements. We do not store personal or gameplay data on our own servers. We do not ask for any personal information such as names, usernames, email addresses or other contact information. Data Usage: We only collect non-personally identifiable player information such as level progression, car customisation, unlocked items, scores and achievements. This gameplay data is stored both on your device and on Xbox services, as applicable. Disclosures to Third Parties: We do not store personal, gameplay or usage data on our servers and we do not share, sell or rent any data we receive from you through your app with any third parties who may seek such data. We may collect, retain and disclose information concerning your use of our game when we believe in good faith that such release is appropriate to comply with the law, for example: • pursuant to a statutory demand, subpoena, warrant, or court order. We may also release your information o to protect against the fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of the game, o to enforce any contract between you and us, o and if we reasonably believe that a situation involving danger of death or injury to any person requires disclosure. Data Retention: Your saved games are stored both on your device and also in your Xbox account, so the removal of your saved game information is controlled by you. Use your system settings to remove data from your local device and Xbox cloud services. Our use of your usage data is limited to supporting integration with Xbox's save data storage achievement tracking (as may be applicable), and we store no personal data or usage data. Permission and declining or withdrawing permission for data: We do not store personal data or usage metrics. You may decline to store data in Xbox cloud services. To turn off Xbox cloud services please follow the instructions in the Xbox documentation. Children’s data: Whenever children are using the internet or digital games, we highly recommend that their parents and guardians insist they never give out their real names addresses or phone numbers, or other personal information without parental permission. We do not collect or store any personal data. The game is designed to be family-friendly and suitable for children. In support of this, we collect only limited game information as outlined above. The data is not stored on our servers and is used only for the purposes of support for the internal operations of the game as set forth in the exception to the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”) at 16 C.F.R. 312.2. This data is collected with a legitimate interest as set forth in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a child without verification of parental consent, we will take steps to cease collection of that data and at not time is any personal data retained. In the event that a child contacts us regarding a support issue, that would be handled as any support request is, and any related communications would be deleted immediately upon closure of the applicable support ticket. If you have any questions relating to your child’s use of this game please contact us at support@supergonk.co.uk. For further information about COPPA and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, please go to www.coppa.org. Changes to this policy: Changes may be made to this Privacy Policy from time to time. When this happens, the changes will be made available on our website at www.supergonk.co.uk. All changes will become effective on the day they are uploaded to the website unless indicated otherwise and supersede all previous policy documents. You are advised to review this policy periodically. Contact information: For enquiries regarding this Privacy Policy Notice and personal information, please contact support@supergonk.co.uk